Tuesday, February 19, 2008


Tuesday was a big day for visiting the house. Marlene spent 2 or 3 hours in the morning doing a walk-through with the electrician, specifying in detail the electrical layout. Mid-afternoon, Pete and Len dropped off a waterheater donated by Tim's company (they were disposing of it, despite it only having been used for 8 months on a job site).

They were installing siding and getting ready to lay up the block Trombe walls. In the first picture you can see the front of the house and garage. Now that the windows are in and the siding is on, I am not sure I like the way the two windows look next to each other here. Maybe some creative landscaping will help.

Installing Porch Siding

Back of house and garage are sided.

The lower level of the east end of the house is sided, except fo one piece of trim.

East End

The front (south side) did not have any siding on, although they were getting ready for it.

Front of House at 12:47PM

Three hours later, the windows in lower level in front of the Trombe walls were installed.

Front of House at 13:36PM

This last picture was taken by ace photographer, Pete, as we were driving across the frozen, rutted front yard.

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