So, after a brief conversation with Mom while she was stuck in a traffic jam on her way to the Verizon store, I got the impression that things are getting a little hairy over at the new house these days.
Here are a few problems on their current "trying to solve" list (it's not exhaustive, unfortunately):
- The lawn tractor died. We're all baffled about what went wrong there. I mean, the thing was only about 50 years old and living in a scavenged pop-up. I'm sure there's a warranty. However, if anyone reading this meets a working one looking for a new home, they might just have a vacant pop-up to let out for cheap.
- Business-complicating computer problems. Well, this one is unfortunately a little more serious of a matter since it is sucking up Dad's time and his paid work is getting slowed down because of it. Apparently there was a new computer with Vista required and still Dad is having trouble getting emails to download. In his defense, apparently there are about 3 accounts that have to be simultaneously logged in, and Windows XP has to be running inside Vista and the stars have to align just so. Darn whoever set up that network...
- Poor cell phone reception at the house. Hence Mom's trip to Verizon. They have no land line, as you know, and reception with AT&T was crappy at best. Time for a change.
- House eave still falling off. Well, this is not exactly their problem, but it's still getting worked on. In case you didn't know, the eave that blocks much of the sun into the basement in the summer was installed with nails and never reinforced with screws... so after months of workmen walking on it, it is actually separating from the house.
- Front door out of commission following discovery of manufacturing flaw. It is currently boarded up so you have to go in through the garage. This is one of those mixed blessings since the "craftsmen" hired by the contractor to stain the front door worked a little too much like Jackson Pollock and much work would be necessary to get it to Chockley standards. So a new door is likely the lesser of two evils, but there remain the two side portions of the door to be reckoned with at some point.
- Car trouble. Apparently one of the Tauruses (or Tauri, if you prefer) suffers some ailment or other, rendering it driveway-bound. Peter was on his way over to the new house yesterday during my conversation with Mom, and he can usually work his grease monkey magic to get the cars going again in times like this. What a good boy.
- Old house not sold. Not surprising since it's not on the market yet, but it is a vacuum for mental energy. Progress is in the near future plans, but the carrying out of it all will be a bear. A big, hungry bear with sharp claws and moldy bathroom wallpaper.
Now, after writing all that, I just got this email from my mom:
"I just wanted you to know that Dad’s day improved. Pete (God bless him) came over and fixed the Taurus and gave both cars an oil change and helped with the tractor (although that doesn’t work better). Dad also got his email working."
A light in the darkness :) But still, a few prayers here and there could still help, you know?
what's wrong with the front door? i knew it was having stain problems....
Hey Len, this is John Ward,sr., have hope ever day on/about the house! Just ask John,jr. how long we've worked on this one(ours), 1977 to 1981, before we moved in! He may divulge some of his "peasant life" as a child. John jr. and I were talking one day and he said you may be interested in some dogwood trees. Just today my brother ask if I or someone I knew might want maybe 50-100 small 4"-6" seedlings. Hint! Myrtle Beach is great in the winter! My goodness, you could pick up the dogwood seedlings then too!! See ya!
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