Saturday, September 25, 2010

Nearly Livable

Guest Blogger Extreme Notification. Peter here.

So the parents came home early from vacation(thank god, it is horribly isolated up here) and the bathroom is under construction as I type this very sentence. Though, with every project the snags are abounding, today's special is served cold and under cooked with a side of Where the heck is the vent piping? oh yeah, it wasn't installed comeback when it is in season. It is being taken care of and doors are being sanded and stained. I don't want to say anything too soon, but we very well may be on the verge of a livable space, but shhhh too loud and the dream will vanish.

Though to alleviate stress in the house I have taken upon the culinary arts and have made dinner the folks. This was night one of many and my first attempt at shrimp and mousse.


the observer said...

Well, that looks delicious! Um, next time invite us :)
-Karen and Tim

heather said...

definitely looks tasty! and the pics are nice too. that new camera's coming in handy, i see.

Rob said...
