Friday, November 9, 2007

11/4 - Norah and Kitty Remind Me Why We Have 54 Acres

A big reason for buying such a large tract of land for our new home is so that there is plenty of room for the kids and grandkids to come and visit and enjoy the visit.

Here are some pictures taken 11/4 by Becca while I worked on the path through the woods.

Crossing the Bridge to the Woods
Arms Full of Joy
Inside the Hollow Oak
So tired... which hand goes back to the mouth?
Len loads wood chips for the path
Another load on its way

1 comment:

the observer said...

Nice pictures... Thank you, Becca! Now how about some pictures of the driveway, well, etc, for those of us who get to see Norah and Kitty everyday but haven't been out to the property recently? I guess that's just me and Michael, but still... we're probably your most devoted readers :)